Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It pays to be patient!

So what exactly does it mean by delaying your gratification anyhow? Patience is not something we are born with, though some personality types are pretty laid back and seem to have more of it than others!

Over the years it has been my observation that when we take our time and think over any decision we make, the outcome is generally better than if we act on impulse. Naturally, as humans, when we want something, we hate to have to wait for it. We want it now!! This type of emotion can really get us into major trouble. There is a 4 letter word that comes to mind when talking about this subject. Anyone care to guess what it is?

D-E-B-T, debt!! Since we live in an instant gratification world, if you can't afford it, charge it. Watched any television lately? Have you seen the ads for new vehicles by chance? Do you notice their marketing plan is to influence you to go finance a new car? The majority of America drives around in vehicles that they couldn't afford. There is nothing financially smart about leasing or financing a vehicle. However, most people when they go to buy a new car only care about one thing, getting the new car! As long as they can afford the monthly payment, they don't care about the interest and payments for the next 5 years. (How many people get that car, then within 12 months, are already wanting a new one?)

Take that scenario above and think about what happens next. You take your car in, after only owning it and making payments on it for 12 months, and try to trade it in. Your car, which you financed $26,000, is now only worth $14,000 for the trade-in and you still owe $23,000 on your loan. Uh-oh, that is negative equity, and that is definitely not good. How many people then try to roll over that negative equity into an upgrade, using some of the available rebates, and finance the new car, which was sticker priced at $35,000, yet your loan is for $39,000? Ahhhhh, you got the new car you wanted, more debt, more negative equity, and a higher monthly payment. :-(

Lets look at this situation from a different perspective. Lets say you wanted this nice car, which brand new would cost you $26,000. Though you could put 20% down, and finance the rest, you decided to delay your gratification. Instead for the next 12 months you continued to drive your existing car, which you owned outright, and set aside money each month in your budget to save for a new car. Now you decide it is time to get the car. Instead of looking for one that was brand new, you find the make and model of the car you want, which happens to be a year old now and has 11,000 miles on it. Because you delayed your gratification, and saved money for the past 12 months, you make an offer of $14,000 cash, and they take it! So, what happened?

Because you waited 12 months and saved your money, you were still able to buy the car you wanted, however, it was a year older with 11,000 miles on it, but you saved $12,000 plus interest. This is just one example of delayed gratification.

Now without thinking on the lines of debt, let's talk about the harder form of delayed gratification. That would be not buying something, though you have the money and can afford it. One of my mentors once said, "If you think spending money is hard when you don't have any, having money and not spending it is even harder." Can you fathom that? If you have the money, why wouldn't you buy what you want?

And the survey says? That is the reason you have a lot of money. Heh heh, think about it. The people who learn to delay their gratification, make smart investments with their money, and put off buying pleasurables until they really can afford it, avoid the trap that most of us fall into. Instead of getting what they want through acquiring debt, they save and invest, then pay cash for what they want. You will quickly realize, the more money you have, that cash is simply a tool. Once you are able to purchase anything you want, the things you want change.

Delaying your gratification is tough. We live in a world where everyone judges you based on your status in the community. It is sad how we live our lives, more concerned about what other people think of us, as opposed to living below our means and making smart decisions for ourselves. We make impulsive decisions that cost us big dividends in the long run just to "show off" our success. Before you make any major decisions in your life, in any area of your life not just financial, set a new 24 hour rule for yourself. Never buy on impulse, always think it through overnight. Ask yourself; Do we need it? Is it worth it? Can we afford it? Why do we want it? Is it a good investment? What is our return on investment?

You will be surprised at how thinking a decision through, being patient, can save you from making some really big mistakes. We are not perfect, and have learned by making plenty of mistakes ourselves. Though delaying our gratification is not always fun, in the end, it has always paid off!

Ron - TheUnaverageAverage

Are you a dream stealer or dream encourager?

Have you ever had a dream? Of course you did, and probably still do! Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone and made the decision to pursue it? If so, then this article will hit home.

One of the first books I recommend anyone starting out on a new business venture to read is "The Dream Giver," by Bruce Wilkinson. If you do not currently have this book in your library, make a point to visit today and purchase it.

Making the decision to change your life is very uncomfortable. It will require growth and leaving behind the familiar. This perhaps is the main reason why so few people chase after their dreams. After all if you are making a decent living, and are comfortable, why would you want to take a risk of leaving that, even if the new destination would provide a more fulfilling life experience, one that you have always dreamed of having?


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The invisible realm...

In a previous article I had talked about being consistent when building an internet business even though there might not be measurable results at the start. Regardless as to what results might be, or might not be, visible, never underestimate what is happening in the invisible realm...

There is a saying that says, "what you do today will affect tomorrow," or "the results you have in life today are a reflection of the decisions you made in the past." This illustrates the point that something is happening whether you realize it or not.

We did get involved in a couple of business opportunities, while on our journey to find the best home business for us, where we learned the truth of the invisible realm the hard way. Let me explain!

When we started building our very first internet business, we began putting advertisement out all over the net. Our friends and family were quickly aware that we were building a business, as they seen our advertising and products when they came to our home. There were cds, dvds, newspapers, brochures, etc. that we began sending out to people who shown an interest in our opportunity. Everything we did always had our name, phone number, email address, and website on it.

For about 6 months we were consistently at it. My wife and I were just sure with all this effort we would certainly have 100's of people chasing us down and becoming customers. Though we did see some results, not much, we started to get burnt out. We didn't understand why this was happening? What were we doing wrong? Slowly our efforts began to decrease and we were starting to get discouraged.

Interestingly enough after we had all but stopped all of our advertising efforts, it seemed business started getting busy. We were receiving emails and phone calls in regards to our business. There were orders being made on our website and we had no idea where they were coming from. When we spoke with some of the people who were responding they were telling us how they found one of our cds at a friends house. Or how they inquired about our products months ago but were not able to get started at that time and now they are ready. One guy even said that my brother told them about our business and gave him a dvd! We were reaping what we sowed!!

As you can imagine we were pretty doggone excited, so we decided to start back our advertising, sending the cds, dvds, newspapers, brochures, etc. in order to keep the momentum going. You probably guessed it, since we did stop our advertising for a few months, eventually the flurry of activity we had died off and we were back to working hard with little results again. Even though we knew what happened last time, we just plain gave up. A few months after we quit the business we found another opportunity. Now here is the kicker, we had people who started calling us about the other company we used to be in. Again, the seeds we sowed were starting to sprout, though it was too late. There was even one lady who we spoke with more than a year prior who was finally ready to get involved, and we were no longer with the company anymore. :-(

So here is my point! You have to realize that everything you do will have a consequence. Sometimes it will be an immediate return, however, in most cases there will be a period of time that goes by before your result is manifested.

This is another reason why it is very, very important that you decide what business you want to get involved with. Make sure it is something you are passionate about and are willing to commit long term, NO MATTER WHAT! Looking back on it, if my wife and I would have never left that initial opportunity.....?

Ah well, the best learning opportunities generally come when you make mistakes. So here we are today, we understand that there is an invisible realm, that everything we do today will affect tomorrow. There are times when it doesn't look like our business is growing, and other times when it is exploding. The important ingredient is to remain consistent. Your efforts will pay big dividends once you understand how this works. It is kinda like the "law of Karma." You know, "what goes around comes around." If you plant good seeds, then you will reap a good harvest!

Learn to use the invisible realm to your advantage. Believe in what you are doing, set a plan of action which consists of daily, consistent activities, and execute your plan with Faith knowing that your desired end result is within reach and will come to pass.

Many people will get started, sadly, only a few will finish what they start! As Winston Churchill said, "Never, Never, Never Give up!"

In Christ,
Ron - TheUnaverageAverage

Monday, June 28, 2010

The more you get to know them...

We have all met people we don't know for a first time. Generally most people are consciously aware that making a first good impression is important. However, what I have found to be of more value is the authenticity of a persons character the more you get to know them....

This is very obvious with children. Have one of your children's friends come over to stay the night and you will more than likely see their best side. It is easy, and requires very little effort, to act in a way, that you want people to think, is how you are for short periods of time. However, keep these kids at your home for more than a night and usually by the 2nd day you start to see their true colors.

Too many times we are fooled by the impression we make of someone when we first meet. This is also why it is important that we don't give too much trust to someone that we do not really know. Take for example young couples who start dating. Many young people make the mistake of thinking they are in love way too early in a relationship. If you want to know whether or not the person you are having feelings for is your "night in shining armor", the best thing you can do is get to know them better, and this will take some time.

In the business world it is extremely important that you are who you say you are. Whether you are at work, at home, at church, at the mall, or anywhere else for that matter, you need to be you. Don't be two faced! There is nothing worse than meeting someone, just to find out later they were not the person you thought they were. Character does matter!

Character is what you do, who you are, when no one else is looking. If you act one way when engaged with others, however, act completely different when no one else is around, then you have a Character flaw. Sooner or later people will see the real you.

It is just like the boy who always lies. He will tell his friend one story, his teacher another, and yet his parents a completely different story than he told the first two. Think about how difficult it is to not only remember your lies, but who you told what to? Would it not be easier to just tell the Truth, ALL THE TIME?

Though first impressions are important, lets make sure we are not trying to fool people into thinking we are something that we are not. Take pride in your Character, live your life with Integrity, and cherish your relationships!

Have a blessed day!
Ron - TheUnaverageAverage

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Waking up to new customers....

One of the coolest advantages to building an internet business is waking up to new customers. I remember when I first got involved with Isagenix, it seemed as if I was working very hard with little results. My sponsor, whom I greatly appreciate, kept telling me about how it took her several months before she finally started to see the fruits of her labor online. She kept telling me to be consistent, plant seeds, and before you know it things will start to happen for you.

I think this is a very important lesson for anyone that is thinking about, or is currently, building an internet business. It is the law of Sowing and Reaping. If you sow good seeds, you reap a good harvest. Though it never happens overnight, the results are worth the investment.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Living a life of gratitude...

Everyday is a new experience. Some mornings as we awake the sun is shining, birds are chirping, there is a nice cool breeze blowing through the trees..... Yet there are other mornings, like that of today, when you are literally woke up by the sounds of crashing thunder, the sky is lit up with lightning, and the rain is pouring down. Power surges throughout the house. What incredible power God can display! Nature is truly remarkable...

Each morning, regardless as to the circumstances with the weather, employment, financial challenges, relationship issues, and so on, it is important that we see the good of our situation. To learn to appreciate the blessings that we currently have and get to experience. The fact that we are alive and have the incredible ability to grow, change, love, care, prosper, see, taste, touch, and live life! To have a roof over our head, food on the table, clothes to wear, car(s) to drive, and much, much more!

To live a life of gratitude is to spend time noticing that which you do have. Those in your life that you do love and they love you. All the opportunity and material pleasures that each of us have been blessed with. It is consciously making the decision to love life and embrace change. Every morning we are given another gift! How do you choose to use your gifts?

Many people seem to get caught up on the negative events, or circumstances, of their life experience instead of focusing on all the good. It is easier to see the negativity in our lives, as opposed to the positive. I challenge you today to unplug your mind from any negative, focus on the positive side of life. Not everything in life will be perfect. You won't always be able to keep a positive attitude. There are times on our journey when we will be confused and have a lack of understanding why certain events are occurring. However, all this will come to pass, and in the process you must be grateful for the person each adversity has molded you to become.

When you come to a place of understanding that we are constantly growing, that challenges and struggles are part of everyone's life, then you can learn to embrace these situations. You can learn to live a life of gratitude, giving praise for every blessing, big or small. Nobody said life was going to be easy, however, it sure is one heck of an experience. There is no better movie, than that of the one you are currently filming, everyday of your life.

We are a blessed people! Give God some praise this morning. Thank Him for all your blessings and start to live your life with more gratitude today!

"Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change!"

You are awesome!
In Christ,
Ron - TheUnaverageAverage

Friday, June 25, 2010

Article writing is a learned skill...

In 2005 I shut down my very successful carpet company in Virginia very suddenly. Many people thought I lost my mind. If you knew that I was letting go a half million dollar per year business and partnering with a complete stranger in an industry I knew nothing about, you'd probably agree with my critics!

I remember once we made the move getting a brand new HP laptop computer that was way more advanced than any PC I ever owner prior to that. Even more, with my carpet company I never used a computer. I was very old fashioned, did everything by hand, and still have the filing cabinets full of paperwork to prove it!

My partner on the other hand was a College Graduate for computer technology. This dude is a freaking whiz on the computer. I remember the first time I went to his house and he was working online. He was fast when it came to typing, and his ability to type good quality articles was amazing. He told me, "my fingers type what I think, simple as that!" What an awesome skill. Me, on the other hand, I remember him asking me to copy and paste something and I didn't even know how to do that. :-)

There was a time when I really thought there was no way I could ever write articles. It took forever just to draft a basic email, so the thought of typing sales copy, or articles, for any internet based business seemed highly unlikely. Besides, how would I know what to type about anyhow? I just wasn't creative enough to make it happen.

Interestingly enough, over the years a few things started to happen. We had many failed business ventures, and our share of good ones too. On our journey I have been fortunate enough to mentor with some great thinkers and top income earners in our industry, read hundreds of self development books, listened to countless hours of audio albums, watched many hours of online videos relative to our business and so on. It is amazing the amount of information that you can feed your mind, and when needed, you can log in to your own personal database, subconscious mind, and pull out the necessary files that have been stored throughout your life experience.

Take that ability, which we all have, and 5 years of typing on the computer consistently everyday, and now my fingers type what I think. It is actually very cool! The only thing that I need now is a little inspiration about what to type, then I just sit down behind the computer and allow my thoughts and fingers to do the rest of the work. Mind you, in order to type good articles, it is helpful to consistently continue to add new content to your mind daily.

Qondio has offered a great platform for me to also continue to sharpen my skills. Though I realize I am not the best Blogger or Article writer out there in my niche currently, I am determined to get better. As time goes by it is inevitable that my article writing will take off and all the time, effort, and sacrifice will be worth it!

So if you are just starting out online, or have been marketing for some time, have heard about article writing and think you just can't do it? Think again! Here are a few tips to get you started.

First of all, like many authors talk about when writing a best selling novel, they type everyday. Even when they have no idea what to write about! They simply sit down at their desk and begin to write. After just a little while of doing so, words begin to fill the paper, then your creative mind goes to work.

Second, start off easy. Write about your life experiences, your children, spouse or significant other. Re-live some of the childhood memories you had growing up that helped mold you into the person you are today. How did you get started in your business, job, or current niche? What are your dreams, passions, desires, and goals that you have set forth for you to accomplish on your journey? Blog about your favorite Sports teams, etc.

Finally, just begin, and begin today! There is no greater loss than that of time. Time is the only thing that money cannot buy you back, GUARANTEED!

I am going to begin writing more articles in regards to our home business. Part of what I will do is study videos and literature, while taking notes, then type an article on what I learned. You would be surprised at how easy and effective this is at educating your audience on your product or service.

Take a look at what you are currently doing. How can you use the information that you have learned in a way to teach and educate others. If you offer value to the marketplace, it is guaranteed that you will have an audience that will read your articles. Besides, after a little while of doing it, article writing becomes fun and quite addicting. Give it a try, stick with it, and you won't be sorry! After all article writing is a learned skill, and to get really good at anything, it is going to take time and practice!

In Christ,
Ron - TheUnaverageAverage

Thursday, June 24, 2010

You gotta love what you do...

When I was growing up my dad always told me, "Ronald, when you do what you love for a living, it isn't work!"

For the longest time I never grasped the true meaning of what he was trying to teach me. As a matter of fact when I first started my adult life I thought making a lot of money at work was all that matters. Though it didn't take long to realize, even when you are making a lot of money, if you don't like what you are doing for a living eventually the money won't keep you motivated. (My wife and I owned a Carpet Installation Company called First Class Installations in Virginia)

It was 2003 when I first decided to see what the internet could offer me in order to find a way to replace my high consumption lifestyle doing a job I hated, with something that I loved!

You may not be surprised to find out that this really was no easy task. With the internet there is opportunity after opportunity. It can be very overwhelming once you start searching for different ways to make money. For me, it was even more difficult, because I honestly had no clue what I would love to do for a living.

Seriously, since I grew up overweight..... READ THE FULL ARTICLE - CLICK HERE

Modern Day Spamming Technology...

Will it ever end? Of course Spam will not, I am referring to the ignorance of those people who fall for the latest and greatest technological spamming techniques that present themselves in the marketplace.

Anyone else sick and tired of the automated, "make $400/day with our system," calls yet? We thought Social Media spam was annoying, well, this takes the cake. My question again, why are people falling for all this crap?

As we were walking back from the lake this afternoon I had received a call on my Isagenix business line. With some ads on Craigslist, and websites all over the net, it is quite easy to harvest my number. There is nothing more annoying than one of those automated lines promoting the easiest, most cost effective way to have prospects calling me all the time. If their system is so great, then why are they trying to sell me on it? Use the system to build the largest, most profitable business ever and stop wasting time trying to find the next idiot to buy into your idea. (They are making $400/day on the people who actually believe them and buy it!)

OK, so I am a bit irritated with all of this. I apologize in advance, however, it is quite obvious that a large majority of people online are still uneducated. Here is a quick lesson for anyone reading this, are you ready?

In order to build a business and create an income, YOU WILL HAVE TO WORK! There is no lie greater than, "our system will build your business for you." Just plug and play, set and forget, kick back and sip your martini while we do all the work for you is plain NONSENSE!!!!

"Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth."

The only way Spammers will ever cease to exist, this will probably never happen, is for people to stop falling for their tricks. Blackhat marketers are all over the latest and greatest ways to trick average people into giving them money. If people would lose their instant gratification, get rich quick mentality, then the effectiveness of these tactics would cease to exist!

If we were not hard wired with a get rich quick mentality, explain why Lottery sales are still up, even in this down economy? I have used this quote several times, and I will use it again here, "Empty your purse to fill your mind and your mind will fill your purse." Benjamin Franklin understood that the key ingredient for success was education. Spammers are making a ton of money because they are taking advantage of those who are not properly educated.

A quick tip, when you do receive one of those annoying calls, be sure and press 9, as it is supposed to take you off their mailing list. If you sincerely want to make $400/day working from home on the internet, be prepared to have to learn, work hard, sacrifice, and commit for some time in order to make it happen!

You can do it!
Ron - TheUnaverageAverage

P.S. Think about it this way. How long have you been employed? Are you making $400/day yet? How hard do you currently work for what you are making? Now ask yourself if one of these miracle systems sounds realistic? Common Sense could save you a lot of Cent$!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Technology Slavery...

This Fathers Day Sunday we spent the entire day in fellowship with our great church family from Cornerstone Pentecostal Church. We had a blast! There was a pig roast, Sumo Fighting, Bouncers for the kids, horseshoes, volleyball tournament, and basketball.

There was also one other noticeable trend, and that was the "texting war" that was happening throughout. I couldn't help but tease Gabe Knapp who was glued to his cellphone while we were getting ready to start playing basketball. Even after the games concluded he ran and grabbed his phone, went out into the hallway, and started texting some more. Gabe has some game when it comes to basketball, and it also seems he has become part of the "Technology Slavery," that is sweeping our Nation. (He was also the inspiration for me to type this article!)

There are countless advantages to technology these days. Instant communication, mobile internet access, unlimited ring tones and apps to keep you entertained for days, and much more..... However, there is also a downside to this new way of life. Have you ever received a phone call, seen the caller ID and decided you were not in the mood to talk at that particular moment? Then when you check the voicemail the message started off like this, "Hey Ron, where you at dude, I know you have your cellphone on you, YOU ALWAYS DO, you trying to avoid me or something? What's up, call me back dude!"

Somehow we now live in a time where if you don't answer your cellphone, or instantly return a text message, something is immediately perceived as wrong. It is almost as if through all the conveniences that a cellphone brings to the table, it also makes you a slave to answer and respond, regardless as to what you are currently doing. It creates unnecessary animosity amongst friends and family whom call and you do not answer. As if not answering the phone is sending a signal that you do not care about them, or they are not important.

How many times have you seen someone in church, at a birthday party, in the hospital, etc. jump and run when their phone rings? Have you ever been in conversation with someone face to face, just to have their phone ring, and regardless as to the importance of your conversation, they must take the call?

What about going on vacation? I thought a vacation was where you unplugged from your "normal activities" of life and enjoy some time relaxing and getting away? During the day of Technology Slavery, that isn't the case anymore, is it? You may decide to leave your computer at home, but you still bring your Blackberry with you, texting, checking emails, and taking calls even while you are on vacation?

Cellphones have created a 24/7 on call mentality for most people. I am sure some of you reading this will also relate to hearing your phone go off at night while you are sleeping, and awakening, then jumping out of bed to see who is calling you, or texting, at 3o'clock in the morning. Many have children who also have cellphones, not sure what that is about, and during dinner the kids are texting their friends instead of conversing as a family while you eat your meal. How many times have you sat down to eat dinner, the phone rings, and watch all your kids, or even you, jump out of your seat to answer it. Could the person calling not have just left a message and you call them back after dinner?

When out and about start to observe people and what they are doing. The only thing more common these days then smoking is texting or talking on cellphones. Take a look around and tell me we are not living in a time and age where Technology Slavery is evident more now than ever.

Ladies and Gentleman, I myself have 2 cellphones. Yes I generally have them on me. One is for our Isagenix business, and the other our Carpet Installation Service. However, there are 2 main functions on my cellphones that I utilize often. The first is caller ID and the second is voicemail. If I am currently tied up, whether that be at church or conversing with someone in person, these 2 features on my phone work wonders. I still believe that when a person calls, if it was important, they will leave a message and I will CALL THEM BACK!

I am not against texting, and I love the advancements in technology, however, to be on call 24/7 is not for me. Many times people have said, "You are hard to get a hold of," yet the reality is, that is not true. It is only valid when comparing me to someone who has fallen into Technology Slavery....

Here is a test to determine whether or not you are on call 24/7. What is the one thing you could never leave home without? If it is your cellphone, then you might just be a slave to technology. We will pray for all of you! :-)

Be free, be blessed,

P.S. Gabe did say he doesn't usually text all the time, except in this instance, it was the only way he could communicate with this particular young lady! Perhaps he is not a slave to his cellphone, however, I would like to give him a special thanks! If it weren't for him this weekend, this article might not have been possible. :-)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Modern day language and professionalism?

Am I just old fashioned? It seems the modern day language contains profanity as the main adjective regardless as to the situation or circumstances when engaged in conversation.

Being a contractor there was a time, before finding Christ in my life, that this form of language was acceptable to a certain degree. However, even during the days of my "potty mouth" there was a time and a place where it was just plain unacceptable.

Just going in for a simple oil change these days at the majority of mechanic shops you have to keep your windows up to protect your children from hearing these obscenities. I can recall one particular instance when we needed to get our oil changed and our usual mechanic was booked for that day. So, instead of waiting, we stopped at a new shop which had just recently opened. I felt like we were in the middle of a Rated R Infomercial. The mechanic meant well, I am sure, however, every word that came out of his mouth was preceded with a 4 letter adjective. My wife and I were both very thankful that our kids were sleeping in the back of the van during this occasion. Interestingly enough once he looked in our van and seen the kids he did acknowledge that his language was unacceptable and apologized. Needless to say we have not returned to his shop since.

This is not just a random occurrence either. Everywhere you go people use profanity as acceptable language. As a matter of fact, recently I had a young lady request I measure a carpet job for her. We set a time to meet and when I arrived she was not there. On our third attempt to connect with her via the phone, she answered and once I reminded her of our appointment she said, "Holy S??!, I forgot." Now I am not being judgemental, however, it just seems that there should be a certain level of professionalism and courtesy, especially when dealing, or meeting, with people you don't know.

Again, that might just be it though, since it is "acceptable" language in today's culture, nobody sees anything wrong with it. Personally, I beg to differ.

That raises my second point about Professionalism. Is it too much to ask that when a contractor, or anyone in the service field, is meeting with, or working with, a customer that they display a level of professionalism. Like I mentioned earlier, when I used these same adjectives fluently when engaged with friends, or not around children, never would you catch me talking in that manner with potential clients.

Perhaps I am a 30yr. old, behind the times, husband and father of 4, whom still believes in moral values and good ethics. Or, perhaps we live in a day and age where illustrating good character and integrity just don't seem all that important anymore?

Either way, how about we have a little consideration for those of us who don't appreciate the use of profanity in conversation.

In closing I am reminded of a family that was interested in our Networking Business. We went to their home and shared with them the opportunity and products.

While we were there one of their children came into the room. He was a young white male, probably 14 or 15, and told us he was going to be a professional rapper. I asked him to rap for me, so he did, you can imagine the language he used. Once he finished his little rap I then proceeded to ask him if he could rap for me without using any profanity. Interestingly enough he said, "I can't rap without swearing, it wouldn't sound right."

It seems many people these days can't talk without swearing, after all it wouldn't sound right?

Ron - TheUnaverageAverage

Friday, June 18, 2010

It was the thought that counts...

So yesterday morning I get a phone call in regards to a possible carpet job. The gentleman tells me he was buying carpet from the Home Depot, however, they would not be able to install it until the 1st of July. His dilemma is that he needs it done by this upcoming Monday!

No problem, I asked him when would be the soonest he could get the carpet on the job. He told me he could get it there by the next morning and I agreed to install it for him. "Wow, that was fast!" was his response. :-)

So after we confirmed the job he mentioned to me that he had already put down the tack strips. The job was in his basement, which meant concrete, and if you know anything about installing carpet, the tack strips, on concrete, is a real pain to tack down. If the strips are not done properly it will mess up the entire installation process. (Anyone see where this is going yet?)

My son and I arrived at 9amET this morning, as scheduled. Once we met with the homeowner we were shown the room where the carpet was to be installed.

Immediately I started to check the tack strips. At first glance I was pretty impressed. The homeowners were installing the carpet over existing VCT tiles and the tack strips were holding pretty good, however.......

There were 2 immediate issues. The first was that the gap in between the strip and the baseboard was close to an inch. Normally it should be about 1/4 - 1/2 inch or just enough so you can fit your fingertip between the strip and baseboard. This wouldn't have been too big a deal if the baseboards were raised, however, they were not!

Now the second issue is one I haven't run into before. Seriously, close to 12 years of installing carpet and I never seen this done before. The tack strips, 75% of them, were facing the wrong direction. Each piece of carpet tack strip is pre-nailed and also has little tacks which grasp the carpet in order to properly stretch the carpet. Though the homeowner thought he was doing us a favor by putting down the tack strips himself, in the end, it made this install much more difficult.

Hey, it was the thought that counts!

So we had to put down a second piece of strip with the tacks facing the right direction in order to properly stretch the carpet. Unfortunately we were not able to pop up what he had already installed to correct the gap difference between the strip and baseboard because the VCT tile flooring they were installing over was starting to bust up. In other words, if we would have tried to pop up the strip, we would have had to pop all the tiles, and then liquid nail the strip to the concrete, which the homeowner did not want to do!

To accommodate for the gap between the strip and baseboard we simply tucked extra carpet to give it a nice tight fit, then went back after we stretched, re-inforced some areas by stapling the carpet to the tack strip, then trimmed the excess carpet to give it a pretty tuck around the baseboards. Talk about time consuming........!

Once the job was completed, the homeowner was very pleased, apologized for their mistake, and acknowledged they know better for next time! :-)

So here is the lesson for today. There are 2 lessons actually!!

The first lesson is when installing tack strips, for all you DIY's out there, be sure that you have the tacks on the strip facing toward the baseboards. Most tack strips have an arrow on them which tells you the direction to face the tack strip toward the baseboard. These strips did and when I showed that to the homeowner they said, "Oh that is what those meant. I thought there might have been a certain way they needed to be installed." All you can do is laugh with them! Also remember that the strips should be about a 1/4 - 1/2 inch away from the baseboards. A good rule of thumb is to use your fingertip as a spacer. With raised baseboards the distance is not as important, however, when the baseboards are on the floor, you will want to be sure and keep them closer so the carpet can be tucked securely between the strip and the baseboard giving it a nice tight finish.

The second lesson is patience. Once we realized the job was going to take twice as long to complete because of a simple error made on the part of the homeowner, we did not get upset or impatient. No corners were cut, we did what we had to do and made the best of the situation, without making the homeowner feel bad about their mistake. Sometimes the easy jobs aren't always so easy!!

In the end, it was another satisfied customer, and that is what makes what we do worth it.

Have a blessed day!
Ron First Class Installations

Man do I love Customer Service...

Yeah that is right, I said it, I love Customer Service. There is nothing more fulfilling in business to be able to meet the needs of your clients with 100% efficiency!

We use Craigslist a lot to find carpet installs and repairs. You can imagine what it is like to be a homeowner who is looking to save a few bucks by hiring their own Contractor to do some work in their home instead of paying the high prices at a store. Sometimes you never know what you are going to get!

With this understanding we know that it is up to us in order to assist the client in feeling good about their decision. This process starts from the ads we post. One thing I notice about many ads that people post is they don't put their basic charges for their service. With my personality type I prefer to find the information I am looking for without having to make a phone call. We feel it is important to be transparent, therefore, our charges are listed in the ad. We also make references available upon request!

From the ad comes the phone call. Once people have read the ad and feel confident they have found the right Contractor, how you talk on the phone has a lot to do with closing the sale. It pays to be courteous, polite, and knowledgeable. Instead of trying to sell your new client, it is best you ask several questions about their project. Once the client realizes you are genuine and know your trade, it is almost guaranteed you will get the job, assuming they are serious about getting the job done.

The next step and probably most important, is your arrival on the job. I believe your first impression is the most important. When you walk up to the door, always extend your hand and introduce yourself, and any of the help you have brought with you. The people who come with me on any jobs will also extend their hand for a friendly introduction. Since the client doesn't know us, it is important that you make them feel comfortable with having you in their home.

Personally I love to chat with my clients while I begin working. The key here is to develop a relationship. Word of mouth advertising is awesome and it is free. It is important for your client to get to know you, and just plain good business ethics.

Whatever the job, give your best effort. Pay close attention to detail. If there is a problem, do not hesitate to go to your client and show them, then explain to them what it is and what needs to be done. Treat them as you would want someone to treat you. It is always my goal to leave someone's home looking much better than it did before I arrived.

Once the job has been completed, work area cleaned up, go and get your client and let them know the job has been finished. I will not accept payment for a job until my clients have had a chance to inspect the work that we have completed and they are completely satisfied. Once that has been done you can present your bill and watch in amazement as your client gladly pays you for your services. This is a great time to present your business card, and more often than not, the client will begin asking you about other projects they need done and whether or not you would be able to do them. Almost always, 97% of the time, they will shake your hand as you are leaving and say, "If I know anyone who needs carpet I will definitely recommend you!!"

Customer Service is the key to success in every business.

In Christ,
Ron - First Class Installations

Thursday, June 17, 2010

You gotta do it the right way...

Yesterday was an awesome day for my wife and I. We are so thankful for all the wonderful people that God has blessed us with in our life. For this article I want to discuss something that happened while Melisa and I were doing a carpet re-stretch in Zeeland, MI.

Now you might think that I am going to talk about the importance of installing carpet, or working your job, that you gotta do it right. Well, kinda, but not exactly! Though we did an excellent job and over-exceeded expectations, as we are known to do, the real reason for this article has to do with what happened after the job was finished!

Our client's wife had made some chicken enchiladas for dinner and, though she had to leave, her husband served my wife and I a plate to show their gratitude. While he was preparing our plates I had asked him if his wife worked outside the home. His response was, not at the moment, as they had just recently adopted a beautiful little boy from Ethiopia and they are not supposed to leave him for at least the first year. He then went on to say that it would be nice/helpful if they had another income coming into their home.

So, our carpet company, First Class Installations, is not our primary business. Where we are most passionate is in the Network Marketing industry. This is where I want to talk about doing it right! You see we don't believe in chasing after people, selling people, hyping up our opportunity, or anything like that. As a matter of fact the reason we are in Networking to start with has nothing to do with selling. Pay close attention, you gotta do it the right way...

First of all, should you decide that you want to start a Network Marketing business, it is absolutely imperative that you find a company that has a unique product which you would gladly pay for every month, WHETHER YOU MADE ANY MONEY OR NOT! The reason to join an MLM company should not be to make a lot of money, though that quite likely will happen should you do it right. Many people have said, "The product doesn't matter," we beg to differ. Anytime you are focused on money, instead of servicing the customer in the marketplace, you are setting yourself up for failure.

What makes MLM powerful is the word of mouth. But why would you tell someone about a product or service that you are not excited about? In addition to that, Networking is a career, if you are going to spend the next 20-30 years of your life in this profession, why would you be involved with a company that you are not passionate about their products or services?

Second, we do not believe in sharing the business with everyone we meet. Many people have this perception that when you join the business you try and sell your opportunity to everyone you know, including friends and family. Nope, this is where step 1 becomes important. Let me give you an illustration using our business.

We are involved with a company that specializes in Nutritional Cleansing and Weight Loss. When Melisa and I first got started we were both skeptical, AS EVERYONE ALWAYS IS, however after doing some research we wanted to try it and see what happens. Both of us lost 12lbs and several inches. It was obvious the products worked, our results were visible! So here is what happened. People at church and others around us said to us, "Wow you guys look great, you've lost weight, what are you doing?"

Did you catch that? Did you see what just happened? We didn't have to sell anyone anything. Our results with the products attracted interests from the people we know. Now that they opened the door we can share the product and/or business with them. My response was, "Thanks! We started using a Nutritional Cleansing system called Isagenix, we are very pleased with our results. Both Melisa and I have lost 12lbs. If you're interested I can give you some information about it."

The only exception to this rule is if you know someone that would benefit from your product or service. If that is the case you could contact them like this, "Hi Ron, Melisa and I tried a cleansing program and lost 12lbs, I know you are looking for ways to lose weight and thought you might like some information." If their response is positive and they say yes, then go and share with them your products. This can also work for the business opportunity. "Hey Ron, remember we were talking the other day about making some extra money? I might have found it, lets get together." This approach will only work if you know there is a need someone you know has and your business has the potential to accommodate it. Remember it is THEIR NEED, NOT YOURS!

Now back to the carpet job, When my client mentioned it would be nice if there was another income coming into the home, that was an open door. I said to him, "Not to sound like I am pitching you a business opportunity, however, have you ever considered Networking?" Once I asked that question he told us the horror stories he had experienced from friends of his who tried to sell him on a couple of different MLM opportunities. The approach that they took was wrong and because of it he has a negative impression of the industry. YOU GOTTA DO IT THE RIGHT WAY....

Now I could have tried to sell him on why those approaches were wrong, and hyped my opportunity, however that wouldn't have done me any good. I listened, understood where he was coming from, then explained to him the 2 steps previously mentioned above. Not once did I try to sell him on our business. Another key point to remember here is, "If they are not looking, don't try to convince them." Though he did say it would be nice for them to have another income, and with MLM you can work part time from home, that doesn't mean keep talking about your business. There is a need, however, he is not "looking" for what we have to accommodate. Make sense?

Will anything come out of it? Who knows, but it doesn't matter. We had a great talk, enjoyed our meal together, shook hands and went home.

The last thing he said was, "You have great workmanship and really take pride in your work, I am very pleased and will refer you to anyone I know who needs carpet." In the end we developed a new relationship!

That is how you get word of mouth advertising, and, that is Networking at its finest.

If you want to succeed in any business venture, especially Network Marketing, always remember, you gotta do it the right way!

God bless you,

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Not what you might think...

I have been reading, with great delight, a book called, "The Millionaire Next Door." It is fascinating the information this book contains.

When you think of the affluent, what is it about their lifestyle that stands out most?

Is it their high consumption of possessions? In other words, do you think that Millionaires live in big fancy houses, drive luxury cars, wear expensive suits and Rolex watches?

If you watch television or any Hollywood production film these days, you probably think that rich people live an extravagant lifestyle.

Interestingly enough, ask anyone, that is not affluent, what they would do if they were given $10 million dollars. The majority would immediately start listing off material possessions they would buy.

"I would buy a new house, no, 2 or 3. Of course I would get rid of my piece of crap Honda and buy a couple of Ferrari's. For sure I would tell my dead beat boss where he could go! Buy new clothes, shoes, big screen tvs, oh yeah nothing but the best! Probably give some money to my family, especially my mom and dad........" These are some of the typical answers you might hear.

Well, guess what? That is not at all the way the majority of Millionaires think, nor live. The "bling bling" lifestyle you might imagine is a trap that most Americans fall into. They believe that being rich means having nice things. The more you have, the bigger your house, the nicer the cars illustrates success.

That image couldn't be further from the truth.

The "bling bling" lifestyle can be better summarized as the "keeping up with Joneses" lifestyle. It is the high income middle classers, who have been programmed to believe, that is success. "I am a lawyer, I must live in a nice home and drive expensive cars in order to give off the image that I am good at what I do."

Now I am not picking on any particular class or profession, however, this book has really opened my eyes. When I was 21, I also had that "keeping up with the joneses" lifestyle. I thought the new cars, nice clothes, flashy jewelry was a genuine sign of success. You know what, that is how everyone, who made less money than I did, also thought.

Because I had 3 new vehicles, new work trucks, nice property, DEBT UP TO MY EYEBALLS, I appeared to be successful. "You can't hide money'" they would say.

What if the average self made Millionaire drove around in a pick-up truck, lived in an average middle class neighborhood, and owned a small plumbing business? What if he didn't have any "bling bling" and would never spend more than $100 on a pair of shoes, or $399 for a suit?

The truth is, most Millionaires are not what you might think they are. Accumulating wealth is not what you might think it is. Have you ever learned the difference of "Realized" versus, "Unrealized" income? How can someone making $84,000/yr have a net worth 10 times more than someone who earns $330,000/yr?

Think on that for a while, more in another post.

Be blessed!
Ron - TheUnaverageAverage

P.S. "Empty your purse to fill your mind, and your mind will fill your purse." - Benjamin Franklin

Friday, June 11, 2010

Time to take action...

When it comes to building a business, asking for a promotion at work, raising your kids with the right principles, becoming a better Spouse, and so on, you must take action!

Taking action is the only way to achieve a goal. However, once you have set the goal, it seems there are many distractions which will try to prevent you from accomplishing your desired result.

One of the biggest distractions will come from your own thoughts. You will be surprised at how you begin to doubt your ability to follow through and reach your desired goal. Keep in mind this is common, and for that reason, it is imperative that you take immediate action.

In the Entrepreneur world this is the exact reason why Spiritual and Personal Growth is of huge value. It is in the early stages of your new goal that you are most vulnerable, therefore you want to be sure you only share your goals with people of like thinking. One of the many mistakes made by people soon after they decide to make improvements in their life is to share their new ideas and/or goals with people they know, such as friends and family. Unfortunately, this is not always the best idea. Statistics show that those closest to you tend to shoot down your newly found ambition. They try to "protect you" from "getting your hopes up." Any negative criticism at the start of your new venture will massively influence your own "second guessing" of your goals.

Your thoughts are your biggest adversary, or they can be your biggest asset. You must decide which of these two you prefer. It is said that, "what goes in is what comes out." Therefore, should you decide that your thoughts are going to assist in reaching your goals, you must continue to feed your mind, through reading and mentoring, information that will fuel your ambition. Reading from books such as, "the Bible," "Rich Dad Poor Dad," "The Cashflow Quadrant," "The Magic of Thinking Big," "Think and Grow Rich," "Personality Plus," "The Five Love Languages," "The Richest Man in Babylon," as an example, can increase your confidence in achieving your goals.

Orrin Woodward said, "You must develop a soft heart and tough skin." If you are going to achieve your goals, it is imperative that you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that your goal is worthy and no matter what you will persevere until the desired result has come to pass.

When you choose to live an unaverage life, be prepared to face criticism and rejection. Be sure to surround yourself with a supporting cast who help feed your ambition. Consciously protect your thoughts by reading good books, listening to audios of people who have succeeded already in your chosen field, and attending live events to associate with like minded people. Most importantly, TAKE ACTION!

You are blessed and highly favored by an Almighty God!
Ron - TheUnaverageAverage

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ready to start living your dreams?

So when is it time to start living your dreams? Are you, like many, living a "settle for" lifestyle, or have you decided that since we only get one chance at this life, you are giving it everything you got?

Einstein said, "We are all born geniuses and programmed to be idiots." Man, how sad is that?

Everyone of us come into this life experience with the ability to live and create an incredible life experience. Yet, many of us choose to buy into the fact that in order to live an abundant lifestyle we have to somehow be lucky, or born rich.

In the book, "The Millionaire Next Door," it says that 80% of the Millionaires in America are 1st generation Millionaires. In other words, they were not born Wealthy.

If that is the case, then who, or what, is stopping you from achieving your dreams? Why in the world would you work a job you hate? Live in a home too small? Drive a car that is not dependable? Associate with people who are not good for you? Drink beverages that confuse your thinking? Put drugs in your body that cause long term, even life threatening, circumstances? Use words that are offensive?

Should you actually realize how powerful your thoughts are, how incredible your potential is, how realistic your dreams are, and how possible it is for you to achieve greatness in your life, you would be unstoppable!

Life is a gift from God, stop taking it lightly and start living to the best of your ability.

With everything in life, you should give it your best. "Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn" - Robert Kiyosaki

You are not getting any younger! Time is flying at what seems to be lightning speed, there has never been a better time than RIGHT NOW for you to realize there is more to life than just getting by. Though I understand everyone's circumstances and current reality varies, and many of you will justify why it just isn't possible, I am here to tell you, God makes no mistakes, and you, yes YOU, can achieve great things. Your dreams can become a reality!

No one said, and will not say, that it is, or was, going to be easy!! There is a price that will have to be paid. However, in the end, the results are worth the investment!

Stand strong this day! No matter what you have been told, no matter what you tell yourself, no matter the impossibility of your current circumstances, always remember, "With God all things are possible!"

Your dreams are so worth it! Go for it, after all, you only have one chance! Make the most of it.......

In Christ,
Ron - TheUnaverageAverage

Monday, June 7, 2010

Why would we Cleanse?

You know when it comes to losing weight, the last thing I thought of was cleansing. As a matter of fact, anytime I heard the word cleanse it made me think about sitting on the toilet for hours, if you know what I mean.

When we started to learn more about full body cleansing, we quickly realized, we were wrong.

Once we decided to give cleansing a try, being very skeptical at first, both of us decided we were going to give it a fair evaluation and follow the programs regiment to the "T!"

Read the full article.... Click Here

Friday, June 4, 2010

Conference Call with Pastor Dwaine Chapdelaine

Dwaine Chapdelaine, Youth Pastor from Cornerstone Pentecostal Church was the guest speaker last Wednesday on The Unaverage Average. If you missed it, listen to it now online! Simply visit,

Thanks again Dwaine, powerful message well received!
In Christ,

Freedom isn't free...

Ahhhhhhh, many went back to work this great Tuesday after spending time over the weekend celebrating Memorial Day!

This weekend offered all of us the ability to really think about how blessed we are to be FREE. To give thanks for all those who have served in our Military and fought for our Freedoms. Many have given their lives and they deserve to be remembered since we are the beneficiaries of their service.

We live in some difficult times, our Freedoms are being stripped from us almost daily, it seems. What a shame it would be to forget the price that has been paid for our Freedom.

In addition to the great fellowship, all day volleyball tournaments on Sunday, new friendships, great food, and time relaxing with the family, Memorial Day really hit home when you seen the Red, White, and Blue flags flying high in the sky.

Tears were rolling down our cheeks as you seen the soldiers saluting the flag. Goosebumps up and down our arms and legs when you heard the National Anthem playing in the background. A sense of appreciation and gratitude for what we have that is so easily forgotten and taken for granted in today's culture.

Ladies and Gentleman, Freedom isn't Free!

God bless our Soldiers, God bless America, God bless you...

In Christ,
Ron - TheUnaverageAverage

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Isagenix 9 Day Cleanse and Fat Burning System...

Melisa and I first tried Isagenix in 2007. After reviewing all the information available on the website provided by the company, we were intrigued and decided to give it a go.

Let me tell you, the results were just as good as advertised. Melisa and I both lost 12lbs once we had completed the 11 day plan. The rest of the story is history!

Our new blog, CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS, is intended to inform you about Nutritional Cleansing, Weight Loss, and the Health & Wellness Industry.

In Christ,