Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Unaverage Average?

One of the God given abilities we have been blessed with is "free will." This means we can decide whether or not we want to seek an average, or unaverage life. So what exactly is the Unaverage Average?

The Unaverage Average started as 3 average guys seeking to live an unaverage life. In other words, we want to live our life to the fullest, leaving behind a legacy for our children's children. In the process we want to positively impact the lives of hundreds, thousands, even 100's of thousands of people's lives in the process.

See many people are conditioned to believe that in order to live an awesome lifestyle they have to somehow be born special. In other words, only people that have natural talents, like sports players, musicians, etc. can live in amazing homes, drive sweet cars, and live abundantly blessed. Or, people have to be born into Wealth, as if that lifestyle is not available for the average person. However, that is not the case.

Besides, even those folks who have went on to be professional sports players, or famous musicians, actors/actresses, etc. had to start somewhere. Every one of us has been born with our own unique talents and gifts. We have seeds of greatness planted inside each of us. It is up to us, however, to use those talents. God makes no mistakes, and He created you and me to live an abundantly blessed life full of Joy, Peace & Love! So I ask you this, what are you doing to tap into your potential? What are you most passionate about?

The Unaverage Average was designed for those people who want more in life. They are not ok with living a "settle for" lifestyle. Regardless as to the resistance and criticism they may receive on their success journey, they are determined to persist until they have reached their full potential. (We believe you will never reach your full potential, for as you grow and reach your goals, bigger and more fulfilling goals will emerge. The point is we will live our life to it's fullest all the time, so that when we go home to Glory, we will know that we gave it everything we had while we were here!)

Simply put, what are your wildest dreams? How can you impact the World in such a way that you will be remembered even after you are gone? Do you choose to life a life of priorities or obligations, like most do? Is money going to be the determining factor for how you live, or is God's abundant blessing going to provide you all that you need and more?

The truth is God wants to bless you abundantly in all areas of your life! After all, how can you bless others if you are struggling? The blessing is there for you, you simply need to receive it! Here is some great advice, "Look at what everyone else is doing, then do the opposite." It is true, most people will follow the "herd" and settle for an Average life, as if that is the noble thing to do? Yet, only a few, brave, courageous people will strive to fulfill their greatness.

At the Unaverage Average, we invite you to join us on our journey to living an abundant lifestyle and we challenge you to do the same! "We will do today what others will not so tomorrow we can do what others cannot!"

May God bless you abundantly in all that you do, AND, may you receive His abundant blessing!

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." - Mark 11:24

In Christ!
Ron -

Monday, April 5, 2010

The power of your thoughts?

So how much do you believe in the power of positive vs. negative thinking? Is there some actual truth behind the law of attraction? I believe there is!

Have you ever woke up on the "wrong side of the bed?" You know just starting your day with a chip on your shoulder that you just can't shake? Ever notice how one negative thing happens after another? The worse part is, it seems virtually impossible to shake the mood.

The reality is your thoughts are attracting these circumstances into your reality. The best thing to do, though not always the easiest, is to replace your negative thinking with some positive programming. Some have found that listening to their favorite song on the radio, or watching a funny movie, can help swing their mood.

Personally I find motivational CD's or personal growth books can always impact my thinking and send me into an immediate mood swing.

Almost instantly, once your negative thinking changes to more positive thoughts, the day starts to turn around.

By now we have all heard of "the Secret" and the power of visualization. It is hard to deny that the "Law of Attraction" does not exist. So just remember, if you are having "one of those days," find something that lifts your spirit and plug into that positive message to avoid your negative thinking from attracting results in your day that could have possibly been avoided.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Unaverage Average is now LIVE!

4/02/2010, "The Twelve Pillars" and 4/03/2010, "The Power of Positive and Negative Thoughts." Conference Calls are now online!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Trained or Educated?

Hello everyone, I wanted to take a few moments and post this bulletin after spending much of my time this morning finishing a great read called, "The Coming Aristocracy" by Oliver DeMille. How important is reading this book? It really should be considered "mandatory reading."

You know as time continues to move along, at lightning speeds it seems, more and more people are finding themselves in predicaments that they never would have imagined just a few years ago. Jobs being lost, homes being foreclosed, vehicles being repo'ed, and the list goes on. What is happening in America right now?

Personally I believe America is changing, and the problem, most Americans don't want to embrace it. What do I mean?

If you go back to this previous election, the main theme that seemed to be so popular was "CHANGE" Yet, as far as I could tell, change was already happening. New Industries were emerging, we left the Industrial Age and entered into The Information Age. Average people were creating fortunes online and working from home.

There were other changes taking place also, like, factories were getting shut down, jobs were becoming more and more difficult to find, unemployment was on the rise, the economy was tanking, and much, much more. So was "Change" really what people wanted. It looked as if that was already happening.

Or, is the Truth, people didn't want change. They wanted things to go back to the way they were. They wanted their job security, factory jobs, retirement plans. New Industries, we don't want that! We want the familiar. With Change comes uncertainty and that creates Fear. You see, I believe it is that FEAR which has led people into desperate times for our Country.

It is said, "Take advantage of changing times before changing times take advantage of you!"

Times are changing, they were changing before the elections, and they have continued to change since the election. Honestly, I haven't seen any new changes, other than more Government control and less Freedom. Is that what everyone wanted?

The Lord has burdened my heart to help people realize that "Change" in inevitable. Right now what Americans need more than anything is a new education. You see our school systems are designed to "Train" you for the work force. Also known as a JOB! So if the masses only know how to work a job, and the job market is becoming more and more obsolete, what else is there? How do we take care of our families when that is all we have been "Trained" to do? Perhaps this is why so many people are turning to the Government to solve their challenges? What else can we do?

Learn, learn, learn, learn, and learn!! Have you heard of Robert Kiyosaki? Ever seen his Cashflow Quadrant? Do you know who Paul Zane Pilzer is? These guys are both best selling authors, and they are teaching people how to win during the new economy. If you want change, isn't time you made it happen? Folks if we expect the Government to solve our problems, we might as well forget about the future Freedoms of our children.

America was great because it offered Freedom! If you have been "Trained" and not "Educated" then perhaps today is the day you start your new education. Grasp a hold of the changes taking place in our Country. Don't wait until we give away all our Freedoms. If you do, we will surely be wanting "Change" The kind that you can't have. How great our Country once was, before we gave it all away! If we wait, the old saying will hold true, "You don't realize what you got, until it is gone!"

Start your education today.
In Christ,
Ron Curtis Jr

The Twelve Pillars of Success

My friend and business partner, Jon, and I just finished a podcast talking about the "Twelve Pillars" of success by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener.

There is so much wisdom shared in this short, easy to read, novel, that it is a must add to everyone's library.

To summarize, the 12 Pillars are:
1 - Personal Development
2 - Health (Total Well-being)
3 - Relationships
4 - Goals
5 - Proper Use of Time (Time Management)
6 - Association
7 - Life Long Learner
8 - Everything in life is sales
9 - Income seldom exceeds personal development
10 - Communication brings Understanding
11 - Leadership
12 - Leaving a Legacy

Jim Rohn recently went home to Glory, and he will truly be missed, however, his legacy will continue. This man has been one of my mentors for the past several years, he has challenged my beliefs, improved my thinking, and helped lead me along on my success journey.

If you are looking to increase your overall quality of life, get "Twelve Pillars" and read it! If you apply the information contained in this book, be prepared for your life to change. "Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change."

Growth is not an option. You are either growing forward or growing backwards. Become a life long learner, start today!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Do, Learn, Define

Do you remember, back in high school, your guidance counselor asking you, "What do you want to DO when you grow up?" You know, do you wanna be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc.

How many people, when first presented that question, had no clue? I know that was me. I remember looking at the list of professions and the first thing I looked for was the yearly salary. My response was pretty easy, "I wanna be a lawyer!" The money looked awesome, but the amount of time in school and the investment for the education wasn't so appealing. (Keep in mind that didn't matter while I was still in high school!)

The reality is most people are trained to work a job. Think about the similarities between going to school and working a job. Let's see.....

School, Monday-Friday, weekends off!
Work, Monday - Friday, weekends off! (Give or take, some people might work weekends, however, the average work week is Mon-Fri or at least 5 days per week)

School, 8 hours per day plus commute to and from
Work, 8 hours per day plus commute to and from

School, Told where and when to go
Work, Told where and when to go

Ok, so we can go on and on here, but it is true, we are trained in school, especially public schools, to work jobs. Then, if we decide we want a "better paying job," we go to college and train to become a Professional Employee!

Either way, both scenarios trade time for money and their paycheck literally Defines their lifestyle. So what if we did it the opposite way?

Define your Lifestyle, Learn from someone who has what you want, Do what they did. Hmmm, that is an interesting concept.

Define - I want to be a Millionaire, Learn - Seek a mentor who is already a Millionaire, Do - Duplicate what they did! PERFECT!

I understand that not everyone wants to be a Millionaire. I also understand that many people want to be Doctor's, Lawyer's, Teacher's, etc. However, most people didn't know they had/have the choice to choose which one to follow.

Our economy is dependent on both in order to prosper. Business owners, Entrepreneurs, Millionaires supply the necessary jobs to employ the working class/employees.

If you are not happy with your results in life, perhaps you made the wrong choice? If so, the good news is, there has never been a better time than now to change!

Do, Learn, Define = Employee or Professional Employee
Define, Learn, Do = You choose, after all it is your life!

In Christ,

Put the Spammers out of business...

Has anyone else experienced spamming from Craigslist, or any of the Social Networks? I am not amazed by how much time and effort these guys put in to finding ways around their security checks. However, what is amazing, is the fact that many people must still fall for these tactics. After all, why would the spammers continue to invest their time and money in doing so, if it were not profitable?

I think the most annoying spam that comes from Craigslist is after you post an ad. You know, someone will reply to an ad you placed in regards to selling an item. They will send you something like, "Are you selling this so cheap because you need money? You don't have to, here is how you can make $300/day from home." Yet people believe that nonsense? Are you serious? (Of course this is what gives the work at home industry such a bad reputation. It is not the industry, just some of the morons that claim to be part of it!)

Unfortunately we live in a day when people are always looking for quick, easy ways to make money online, and these professional spammers, also known as black hat marketers, know it!

Stop falling for these tactics. If you are looking to make money from home online, then LOOK for ways to do so. Just because someone sends you an email, responds to one of your ads on CL, or posts spam on the social networks, that isn't the way you will find what you are looking for.

We strongly support the MLM industry. You have the opportunity to change yourself, your finances, and impact the lives of those around you. Be warned, it is not easy, not everyone will succeed, however, it is real, legitimate, and when you find a company that you believe in, the possibilities are limitless. (No you will not make $300/day from home in the next 7 days, however, as you build your network, $300+/day from home can become a reality)

Don't fall for the scams, time to put them guys outta business once and for all.

Be blessed,
New Blog Post! "Where are all the stay at home dads?"

Where are all the stay at home dads?

I have the honor to spend my days at home with my family. What a blessing. Now don't get me wrong, it is not always peaceful, 4 kids (12,10,2,1), however, I wouldn't trade it for the World!

I have noticed while at the park though that I am usually the only dad. You will see moms with their children but no dads? Where are all the stay at home dads?

Now I am not talking about dads whom don't work, don't get the wrong idea here! Every man, including myself, must support their family. Personally I am running 2 businesses from my home. This allows me to schedule my responsibilities around my priorities.

We have never been good at trading our time for money and spending the majority of our time working a job instead of being with our family. It wasn't until 2005 that we were able to experience this lifestyle and now we get to share the same opportunity with others.

So here it is, paging all the stay at home dads, or should I say, those men who would love to quit their job and build a home based business!! You guys must understand it is kinda scary being the only man at the park with my kids. :-)

Think about it......

If you had the choice to choose between working a job and being away from your family 40+ hours per week, or building a home based business and being WITH your family ALL DAY LONG, which would you choose?

Come on dads, we need more men on the monkey bars everyday. Trust me, you wife and kids will be happy that you are there.

Be blessed,
Ron -

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Boiling the Frog in the Health Care Bog!

Boiling the Frog in the Health Care Bog

Thanks Randy Gage for sharing this insight!

If you wonder how to enact change in an electorate and introduce an
expensive program that will end up costing the taxpayers trillions
of dollars, it couldn't be done any better than the Obama
administration did with the health care plan in the U.S. And it
offers some tangible lessons in how governments can break the laws
of prosperity and seemingly get away with it.

Now of course laws of prosperity cannot truly be broken. But when
you can resort to simply printing more money when deficits appear,
it can look that way on the surface.

The way to get any boondoggle government program like this through
is tried and tested: Pander to the entitlement mentality of the
herd promising increased benefits, cook the budget books to
minimize the apparent cost, and promise to balance the budget on
the backs of those evil, greedy rich people.

And as their election demonstrated, no one has done this better in
decades than the President Obama and his campaign team. In this
case, they took their "yes we can" and "time for a change" themes
and hung them like gaudy necklaces around the health care plan.
The basic strategy was genius, utilizing the proverbial boiling the
frog analogy that corny motivational speakers have been using for

Gradually introduce the new entitlements and hook the herd on them
like a crack dealer does with the goods. Create a disconnect
between the new goodies and the budget deficits they create. By
the time the collateral damage become apparent, the frog is already

In this case, the administration used the audacity of hype, er,
hope, to actually suggest the plan will CUT $74 billion from the
deficit. (And if you believe that, I have some ocean front
property in Arizona to sell you.)

Now how would anyone believe this to begin with you may wonder...

Well it's what Hollywood calls "suspending disbelief." Kind of
like when Pam Ewing woke up and Bobby walked out of the shower on
Dallas and assured her those couple of years he had been dead was
just a dream.

All the herd wants to hear is that the evil insurance companies
can't cut them, the evil drugs companies will have to provide them
with free prescriptions, and those rich, golfing doctors will have
to treat them. And naturally these "rights" should be paid for by
taxing the rest of those money-grubbing rich people.

It sounds good, looks good, and even looks good on paper. And the
campaign was run about as brilliantly as president Obama's
election, allowing the administration to accomplish what scores of
other Robin Hood wannabe's over the years have failed at.

Unfortunately for the administration, they omitted to deal with one
pesky little chink in the armor...

That is the Security and Exchange Commissions rule requiring
companies to restate their earnings to reflect present value of
long-term health plan liabilities.

So last week AT&T was the first company to comply, announcing that
it will have to make a $1 billion write down because of the new
health care bill. (Companies that offer prescription drug benefits
to their retirees instead of dumping them onto Medical and other
government entitlement programs are hit hard by the new law.)

So now the administration has Commerce Secretary Gary Locke
blogging and hitting the TV circuit attacking companies that "imply
that reform will raise costs for them." He went so far as to say
on CNBC that these companies making the statements were "premature
and irresponsible."

House Democrats have even announced that they will drag these
companies into hearings in April because they conflict with
independent analysis that shows the new plan will actually "bring
down costs."

Yeah, right.

But of course these companies are simply doing what they are
required by law. So it will be interesting to see how this all
plays out.

The new health care plan is just as Vice President Biden so aptly
described it, "a big fucking deal." As in big fucking deficits.
But once you give the kiddies the crack, they're hooked.

So the real question will be how they play out this requirement
that companies restate their earnings to reflect the actual cost of
all these new goodies for the herd.

As long as they keep hyping it as those evil, greedy capitalists
trying to rip off the little guy, that should play very well in
Peoria. So the new bill should survive and be immensely
popular with the herd.

Unfortunately for them, it will actually lead to more layoffs,
downsizing and corporate bankruptcy, because while you can create
the illusion of breaking prosperity laws, you can't actually break

The only free cheese is in the mousetrap.

The Unaverage Average Conference Call is live! Strive to achieve your potential.

Weight Loss Coaching...

Losing weight can be extremely difficult for many people. We believe the main reason so many people give up is because they have insufficient coaching.

Think about all the great Athletes for example. The reason they are able to achieve such significant results in their lives are because they have coaches who drive them to achieve their potential.

A great example of this would be Phil Jackson. Remember Michael Jordan and the dominate Chicago Bulls. Prior to Phil becoming the head coach, Jordan never won an NBA title. However, as soon as Phil stepped on the scene, the rest was history. You see Phil's coaching is what made the difference.

You can also see this illustrated when Phil went to the Lakers and did the same thing again with a different team and different players. The magic was in his coaching. Though the players had incredible talents, it took the coach to bring them out and work at their full potential.

So relate this to weight loss. Should you be overweight and trying/struggling to lose weight, what you need is a good coach. Someone that is going to lift you up, keep you motivated, and bring out your potential.

What are you waiting for? Getting in shape starts today! Make the decision it is time to change, commit to your plan, and seek out a great coach to make it happen.

In Christ,
Ron and Melisa Curtis - Nutritional Coaches