Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Slow your roll..."

Has anyone noticed that everyone is in a rush these days. Whatever happen to being patient?

I remember my dad saying, when I was growing up and someone passed us in the car, "In a hurry to get nowhere buddy?" He made this statement because as the person in the vehicle flew by us, we would catch back up to him at the next red light.

Now that I am an adult, it is apparent that patience is not something that we humans have instinctively. I am convinced that patience is a skill which can be attained by anyone, should they decide they want it. It requires constant effort to develop!

My wife prays daily for patience, since she home schools our 2 oldest and takes care of our 2 toddlers everyday also. 4 kids and a husband (me), 5th kid, makes for a great reason to learn, develop, and appreciate patience!!

Today, as an example, we were at the Speedway Gas Station after we completed installing some carpet for one of our clients. While we were in line, there were 2 cashiers, each with 4-5 people waiting in each line, you could see people were getting very impatient.

Several people were complaining, saying they need to open another register. Some were getting anxious and started pacing back and forth while they were waiting in line. Their body language and facial expressions said it all.

I whispered in my wife's ear while all this was going on, "Everyone just needs to be patient, what is the rush anyhow?" It is such a shame that we are sooooooo busy all the time. Sometimes you just need to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!!!

So what is your take on this subject? Do you have patience yourself? Or, would you have been one of those folks in line literally getting angry because you had to wait your turn?

It is pretty amazing how people can go to an amusement park and wait in line to ride the newest roller coaster for 1.5 hours. Or they will camp outside Ticketmaster to purchase concert tickets. Not to mention when there is a release of a new video game system....... Yet when it comes to driving, or paying for gas, 5 minutes is unacceptable to have to wait. (If you don't want to wait in line, PAY AT THE PUMP. Heh heh)

It is convenient to mention a new Beverage called Drank for this article. The slogan on the can says, "Slow your roll..." Perhaps that would be some good advice for us to take. After all, it is my observation that careless, and unnecessary mistakes, tend to occur more frequently when you find yourself in a hurry and impatient!

Take some time and "slow your roll..." Look around at your surroundings, observe people's body language, and be prepared for some interesting entertainment.

When you are patient, you tend to notice things that you might have missed when always in a hurry.

Life is way to short, and time really does fly by. Work on developing and improving your patience. Then, just like the rollercoaster, enjoy the ride!

God bless,

This article was originally published on Qondio.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Don't wait, time is ticking...

Ok, so this is just as much a reminder for me as it for you reading this right now.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, do you hear that? Every second that goes by, tick, tock! How many seconds do we have left in our lives anyhow?

That is the question of all questions, and the reality, no one knows the answer. I raise this question, are we doing everything we are capable of while we are still here? Or, have we somehow become passive and taken life a bit for granted?

Honestly I think all of us have moments in our lives when we could do more, yet there are other times when we are in the zone and really going at it!

Which scenario are you currently experiencing?

Let's talk about being in the zone, that is where I prefer to spend most of my time anyhow. Have you ever played a basketball game and just knew you were unstoppable. It seemed as if every time you touched the ball it was guaranteed you would make the shot. That my friends is being in the zone!

I don't know about you, however, there is no better feeling than knowing you give your best at everything you do. At the end of the day when you lay your head on your pillow, exhausted, knowing that you met all your responsibilities head on, that is a feeling you cannot replace.

Think about it this way. If you were to leave this planet tomorrow, did you give it everything you had while you were here? Would your family be taken care of, or would life as they know it completely fall apart? (Yes they will miss you, that is not what I am asking here)

Would you be remembered or quickly forgotten after your funeral?

Tick, tock, tick, tock, time keeps on ticking. Life is way too short, let us choose not to take it for granted and maximize what time we do have left right now!

If you are reading this, then I thank you for spending the last couple of minutes with me. Now, I challenge you to start living your life on purpose!

In Christ,

P.S. That thing you have been wanting to do but keep putting it off until tomorrow? You know what I am talking about, tomorrow never comes does it? Make the decision to do it NOW! You can thank me later.... :-)

This article was originally published on Qondio.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Having something to fall back on...

Wow, the advice my Grandfather gave me over 13 years ago has been priceless.

For the most part I always looked up to my Grandfather as the most successful person in my family. Next to him would have been my Uncle Leo, his son. I remember when I was 17 years old and was going to become a daddy, speaking with my Grandfather.

At that time I was still in school, though I wasn't attending like I should have been, and delivering pizzas for Domino's Pizza at night. He said to me, "Ron you are not going to be able to take care of a family delivering pizzas the rest of your life. You need to learn a trade and start your own business working for yourself. That way you always have something to fall back on."

I never could have imagined the impact those few sentences would have on my life. By the age of 19 I had learned a trade, carpet installation, and started my first company, First Class Installations, and was on my way. Though it was extremely difficult to get things started, eventually the business started to thrive.

In 2005, I left the Carpet Installation industry to become part of the Home Business Industry. That is another article in itself.

Now here is where the advice paid off! In 2007 we found ourselves in Michigan, struggling, as our Internet business was still not where we needed it to be. Not knowing what to do I remembered the advice I received that day from my Grandfather. "Learn a trade so you always have something to fall back on."

So it was! Carpet installation became the fill in as our internet business grew. What a blessing this has been for our family. I will always be thankful for that little bit of wisdom Grandpa shared with me that day 13 years ago.

Fast forwarding time, Carpet for us today has become a hobby, and a great way to earn some extra spending money. Even with the economy struggling, there is more than enough work for experienced tradesmen.

So let me ask you this question, what is your Plan B? What could you fall back on if you ever needed to?

Everyday, when I meet and talk with people, the economy seems to be on their mind. The assurance of having a job and being able to support their family is not as strong as it once was. Most of these same people when asked if there was something they could fall back on, answer "NO."

I now find myself sharing that same advice I learned over 13 years ago with others. Being over prepared in the event of an emergency is always better than not being prepared at all. What are your gifts and talents? What trade could you learn in order to have a back-up plan in the event these tough economic times take hold of you?

"Learn a trade so you always have something to fall back on." Sound advice that has made all the difference in the world for me and my family and now, we are "Paying it forward!"

May God bless you abundantly in all that you do!

This article was originally published on Qondio.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

It pays to be honest...

It seems that in today's day and age honesty is a hard trait to come by. Whether you flat out lie, or just stretch the truth a little, dishonesty can, and will, break you in every situation.

The Bible says, "Your sins will find you out."

It seems that being honest is the easier choice anyhow, so why do so many people decide not to be? I mean trying to remember all the lies and trying to keep your story straight is tough business.

Yesterday we received a call on our home business line from a woman who was interested in purchasing some of our health & wellness products. She had ordered before, not through us, and preferred not to place the order online. So she found our website and gave us a call.

While we were talking about what she wanted to order, I not only answered her questions, but also asked several questions myself in an effort to customize her wants and best meet her needs.

Once she was ready to place her order she asked me how she could know for sure that I was who I said I was. This was a very legitimate concern, especially considering we live in a very untrustworthy society these days. After all she doesn't know who we are at all, she simply found our website and called us.

Here is where honesty becomes so important. I addressed her concern by acknowledging that I understood why she would be cautious at giving me her credit card information for processing her order. So here is how I handled the situation.

The first thing I did was ask for her email address. Once she gave that to me I sent her an email with the preview of her order. This way she could see that her order is being placed directly through the company, and not me. The second thing I did was send her to my blog so she could see who I am, and learn a bit more about who it was that she was speaking with.

After she seen my willingness to address her concern, and the knowledge I had of the products while answering all of her questions, she had a sense of Trust and proceeded with finalizing her order.

Now, here is where honesty really pays! Now that we have established Trust, I was able to ask her about several other products I felt she might be interested in based on our conversation. Some of the products she had heard of and wasn't interested in purchasing at this time. However, there was an add-on product that she had not tried and wanted to add them to her order. In sales this would be called an up sell, however, I believe this was made possible because of the honesty and integrity that was established during our conversation.

We finalized her order, processed her payment, then immediately sent her the confirmation email with order number and receipt.

Not only did we meet her needs, we also established the start of a great relationship. Because of our honesty in helping her feel secure about making her purchase, she not only received what she was looking for, now she also has a trusted distributor that she can contact with confidence to fulfill her future needs.

Being honest isn't always easy to do, and unlike this situation, it is not always going to benefit you when doing so. However, in the end, you can sleep easy at night knowing that you did the right thing.

In business I still believe in over-exceeding people's expectations. If you focus on superior customer service and always work to meet the need of the customer/client first, in the end you will always win!

God bless,

This article was originally published on Qondio.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The art of connection...

Once I made the decision to be an Entrepreneur I knew I was going to have to interact with people.

Ever since I was a young boy I always wanted to become a Millionaire. In order for that to happen, there must be a value for value exchange in everything that you do. The better you serve others, the more your business will prosper.

One of the first books I read was, "Personality Plus" by Florence Litteaur. I knew it was imperative I learned how to connect with people, and since every person has a different set of personalities, it was important to learn about them.

Since reading that book, and several others on developing/improving people skills, it has become quite evident to me that these should be mandatory reading, not only for Entrepreneurs, but for everybody in any field.

Today, as an example, I was contacted by a gentleman from Hampton, VA. He responded to one of my ads in regards to carpet installation I posted on Craigslist. (Yes my wife and I actually enjoy installing small carpet jobs, it is a hobby of ours!)

Anyhow, his initial request was for me to look at his rental property and give him some options for replacing the carpet. My daughter and I went to the property, measured the job, then decided we were going to go price some materials in order to get him the best deal possible. (Mind you all we were asked to do was measure the job - always under promise and over deliver. Again this falls into the category of serving others, you know that value for value exchange deal we are talking about)

Long story short we went to Menards and did find him a great deal. Now here is where people skills become extremely important!

Rafael was the sales person on the floor and his people skills were terrible. Not to be tough here, but if it wasn't for my knowing what I wanted, there is no way this guy would have sold me anything. (If all sales people at Menards are like this guy, they are easily losing at least 50% of their potential sales!)

Not only were his people skills terrible, but his posture was bad, he didn't present a handshake when speaking with me about meeting my needs, nor did he show any real interest in helping me with my questions. (He was simply looking for the sale, no interest in serving the customer whatsoever)

There was even a slight problem with the amount of carpet we needed versus the amount they had in stock. Instead of Rafael making a suggestion to save the sale, I had to recommend that he contact his manager, and find us a similar carpet to make up the shortage so we can still close the sale. Once he contacted his manager, whom gave me the deal I was looking for, we did finally do business. (I handled the problem, not my potential client, just as Rafael should have handled it, NOT ME)

Throughout this entire process, I was in constant communication with the homeowner and made everything happen for him. I WAS CONNECTING AND SERVING, which, in the process, established Trust and Credibility with my client. That is a sure formula for repeat business and excellent word of mouth advertising.

In the end, the only difference between Rafael and myself was simply the ability to connect with people, and always, regardless of the perceived situation, serve people and be willing to go out of your way to offer value to them. (That, and I have probably read 100's more books than he has!)

Always remember, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."

Serve, serve, serve, help enough people get what they want and you will ultimately have everything you want! Spend some time on developing your people skills and watch how you will become more capable of connecting, establishing trust, and ultimately achieving your wildest dreams.

Everything in life is a value for value exchange. The more value you offer the marketplace, the more prosperity you will experience on your success journey!

In Christ,

This article was originally published on Qondio.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The "ah-ha" moment

There comes a time in everyone's life, for most there will be many of these while on their journey, when you say, "Ah-ha" and you realize one of the many lessons you have been taught from life experience.

I was chatting on Facebook the other night with my niece who recently turned 15 years old. Today while I went out for my afternoon think and drive I had an "ah-ha" moment myself reflecting on our conversation.

Do you remember when you were 15 years old? Looking back on it now, can you see how the things you learned back then, knowing what you know now, might not have impacted your life at the time you learned them?

In other words, I believe one of the most valuable lessons we can teach our young people is for them to realize the advice they receive from an older mentor in their life may not sink in right away. To simply be open minded and listen carefully to the advice you are giving them. That it is ok for them not to quite get what you are teaching them right then, but there will come a time when they will have an "ah-ha" moment and the lesson will become real.

Of course there is an element of "Trust" that must be established with these young people you are mentoring. The fruit on your tree must be reputable in order for your advice to be worth taking. After all you wouldn't take advice about marriage from someone who has been divorced 8 times, would you?

There are lessons that we learn everyday, however, because we are human, most times those lessons do not become realized until we have an experience that makes them real in our own lives. What is fascinating however is that once you start having these "ah-ha" moments, you begin to listen more attentively to other people's stories/advice. There is a hunger inside of you to learn as much as you can. For each time you have an "ah-ha" moment your thinking expands and you become a new person.

"The human mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." - Oliver Wendell Holmes

I realized that the advice I gave my niece was extremely solid, and I am certain she listened. However, she is still just 15 and what I shared with her might very well have been a bit over her head for the moment. That is OK though because I gave her indicators to look for which support my advice. I know that once she notices any one of those indicators, she will have an "ah-ha" moment, and then she will become aware of the real lesson which she was taught. That one lesson alone will save her years of hurt and regret as she continues to grow on her life experience!!

Once you understand how these "ah-ha" moments work in your own life, you can then become more effective when mentoring with people whom come to you for your guidance, wisdom, and advice. All of us influence others, lets choose to become the person responsible enough to take on such an incredible honor.

God bless you!

This post was originally published on Qondio.

In times like these....

It is times like these when your Faith can be put to the test. No one said life was going to be easy, however, it can definitely be one heck of an awesome ride!

Life is like several chapters of a book. Everyday you are writing another page in your book. What chapter are you currently writing on this phase of your journey?

Whether you are going through trials and tribulations, or you are at a peek in your life experience, your book is a continuous work in progress. We all know there is a beginning, your birth, and an end, your death, to everyone's story. What is not known is the contents which is found in between. This has also been known as "The Dash."

Now, since you know that you are writing a book, what chapters do you want to write? In other words, if you had the ability to manifest the perfect life, since you are the author after all, what does that life look like?

Would you affect the World in such a way that after your book concludes it becomes a best seller for many years to come, positively affecting and inspiring millions of lives who read it? Or, will you quickly be forgotten?

It is times like these when people just as you and me are called to positions of Leadership. We are called to be the light in a dark world. We have been given great responsibilities to spread Truth all across the world, sharing the good news with everyone everywhere! Are you up to challenge?

For some a new chapter is about to begin, others your chapter is coming to an end, and some your book will soon be complete. With this in mind, become more aware of your life experience, your purpose, your goals, and start living your life with a sense of urgency.

"Many are called but few are chosen." Your book could have a bigger impact than you might currently think. Do not underestimate the greatness that each one of you has inside of you. Tap into your potential and begin to realize your power while you continue to author your best selling book.

You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish during your dash! I look forward to reading your book and passing it on for generations to come.

In Christ,

P.S. This article was originally published on Qondio.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Does the television influence negativity and mediocrity? What? You want me to read?

Here is a recent intel I published recently on Qondio

So it seems most people don't like to read? Hmmm, ever wondered why? Most people would rather watch television that read a good book. Is it because reading actually requires effort?

The television is such an amazing invention, or is it really? Seems the TV promotes laziness, obesity, immorality, violence, drinking, smoking and mediocrity, just to list a few. Why would the average American spend 5-7 hours PER DAY watching television? Have we nothing better to do?

There is nothing wrong with watching an occasional movie, or perhaps a television program, depending upon the message behind the movie. However, to spend the same amount of time watching TV that you do sleeping, or working a full time job? Are you serious?

You ever noticed how the most successful people have large offices, with mega shelves that are stocked with books? Have you ever noticed that lower income to middle class people have shelves stocked with DVDs, or video games? Could reading actually have something to do with living an abundantly blessed life and perhaps watching television creates the opposite?

Have you ever noticed how people who watch television and don't read generally use profanity all the time, drink beer, and complain about their life constantly. There is drama after drama after drama happening in their life experience? Ever notice how these same people complain about being broke all the time, yet they always have the big screen TVs, newest DVDs, and the latest Video Game systems?

In my business we see it all. From prosperous people who are actively engaged in personal growth, consciously aware of the programming they are getting everyday. To those folks who are super negative, complain about being broke, smoke cigarettes, drink beer, and use profanity every other word. These same people who when asked if they like to read look at you like you're some kind of idiot!

Perhaps some people will be offended by this article, that is not my intention, however, I would like to challenge you to stop and think for just a moment.

Look at your life, and the lives of the people you know, both family and friends. Who do you know that is on Gov't assistance, how do they live? Who do you know that is a Millionaire, how do they live? Who do you know that watches TV all the time, plays video games, etc. how do they live?

Take some time and become more aware of the lifestyle you and those around you are living. Then see if you can find a common denominator within their lives. TV or READ? (Not talking about reading the newspaper!)

Almost every time the more average, mediocre, and negative people are, they watch a lot of TV! Whereas those folks who are more successful, positive, ambitious and outgoing, limit their TV and spend more time reading from good books!

Leaders are Readers. Pick up a good book, start with the Bible, and get lost in a world of pure enjoyment. Stretch your thinking, grow your mind, and watch as your circumstances begin to change. In life you are constantly growing, you are either moving forward or backward, there is no remaining the same. Which way are you going?

Be blessed!

P.S. Perhaps reading is more difficult for a reason? "We will do today what others will not so tomorrow we can do what others cannot."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Working a job to support your business!

I felt compelled to type this article today in regards to how you successfully grow a home based business, which will create a residual stream of income resulting in FREEDOM, while still working your current job. I am going to focus mainly on the Network Marketing industry in this post.

First of all, this industry is incredible, however, it can be the most frustrating venture you ever attempt if you get started with the wrong mindset. Let me explain what I mean!

Network Marketing has never been a "get rich quick" program, nor should anyone go into the industry with the expectation of creating a massive amount of income overnight. This is literally a 2-5 year financial independence business plan. There are 2 main principles in networking that create the incredible power in building wealth for the average person.

The first is Leverage, and the second is Compounding. Both of these awesome benefits of building a networking business take time to establish. Think about this statement, "A large group of people doing a few simple steps daily over a long period of time." That my friends is network marketing.

So, what is the best way to build a home business in the MLM arena? Make sure you have an existing income, aka job! Next find a company that has a product line you would gladly purchase each month whether you make money with the company or not! Thirdly, start investing some of your time learning your products, while you begin using them, to develop your product story and basic knowledge of what you will be offering others as you share your business. Finally, start investing in personal growth materials and begin your journey to becoming the person necessary to lead a large group of people. "Your business will grow as fast as you do!"

Remember, this is a business, and it will require an investment of time and money to get started. This is exactly the reason why you must have an existing stream of income to support your new business. However, the pay-off is incredible. As you start to grow and experience your companies products, then begin sharing them with others, your team will begin to develop. Every time someone decides to get involved you have just created leverage, you are now getting paid on the efforts of multiple people and not just your own effort! With consistent activity, personal growth, and perseverance your business will start to experience compounding. Once that happens, the rest is history!

The only reason people fail in MLM is because they get started incorrectly. Networking will honor those who stay committed and are loyal to one company and give their business the time necessary to develop. However, if you do not stick it out, become part of a company you truly believe in, and find yourself jumping from one company to another, you may find out quickly, that you never experience the success you always hear about.

I love what Jim Rohn says, "I work full-time on my job and part-time on my fortune."

May God bless you abundantly in all that you do!
In Christ,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Why Dream Big?

So is there a reason why you should dream big? Is dreaming big an unrealistic thing to do?

Lately I have been receiving some feedback from people that dreaming big in today's economy is unrealistic? Now I feel that is a lack statement and disagree completely. As a matter of fact, I feel there has never been bigger opportunity available than ever before in my 30 short years on the Earth.

For anyone who is questioning the power of Dreaming Big, let me strongly suggest you get a copy of one of the greatest personal growth books of all-time, "The Magic of Thinking Big."

Hold fast to your dreams, refuse to give in to the criticism and resistance you will get from the World's economy, and Trust that the Lord can, and will, provide your every need as you journey to fulfill your dreams.

You are awesome! Unleash the greatness you have stored up inside of you, and realize there is nothing you cannot accomplish if you put your mind to it!

In Christ!