Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Some Things You Should Know About Working From Home!

It is almost hard to believe that my wife and I have been working from home now for the past 5 years full time. I gotta tell you the first year we were online was really, really easy. Of course the reason for that is because our first ever internet based business was a partnership with an already existing company. However, once we stepped away from the business everything changed!

You must learn before you can earn

Ok, so how many times have you heard that exact statement above? If you have been in the Affiliate, or Network Marketing industry for any period of time you know it is true! Another common term is "Learn as you go." This has actually been the motto that has worked the best for me.

For some reason I happen to have the "Trial and Error," personality. It always seems to take me just a little longer than others to catch on when trying to learn something new. My secret is I just never give up! Sooner or later it will make sense, and when it does, game on!

In 5 years we have been able to learn,
- Lead Generation
- Affiliate Marketing
- Building Affiliate Networks
- Social Media
- Blogging
- Community Building
- Internet Marketing
- Network Marketing!

In case you haven't read my article, The Underground Railroad of the 21st Century, make sure you take a moment and do so. There are some Truths that I have discovered over the years that many people still haven't grasped yet. After all, The Truth Shall Set You Free, and I know a lot of people who definitely don't feel like they are free!

Where to get started

There are 3 things you must consider before getting started in any work at home or Home Based Business opportunity.

1. What are you passionate about?
- For me this one was pretty easy. I love helping people! Since I grew up a fat kid and struggled with my weight, it was easy to get excited about working in the health & wellness and weight loss industry. Isagenix has provided a vehicle where we can help people improve their health, lose weight, and make money from home. However, we also like to earn additional income through blogging! What a great way to make money! What are you good at? What sports do you like the most? Music? Whatever you love doing, blog about it! Guaranteed there are other people out there like you who will not only relate with what you blog about, they will also be interested in buying whatever you are selling through your blog!

2. What are your goals?
- Too many people think everything is a "Get Rich Quick Scheme." Problem is, they're not, and that is why people don't make any money. Did you get that? What people want are get rich quick programs. When I tell people it will take them 2-5 years to build a successful internet business from home alot of people aren't interested. They are looking for an immediate income. Well, not to say you can't make quick money online, afterall there is always eBay, however, to build a long term residual income, it is going to take time. Make sure you have realistic goals set when getting started and be willing to commit long term!

3. Are you teachable?
- Let's face it, you go to college to learn how to make a living in a high paying career. Well internet marketing, affiliate marketing, and network marketing are all careers. Like college, you are going to have to invest some time and money into your education. Now we are not talking the tens of thousands you might pay to attend college, however, there will be an investment required to properly learn how to build a business, and brand yourself as an expert online. Don't worry it isn't going to be that hard, just be willing to learn new information. By remaining teachable you will be able to learn everything you need to do to create total freedom in all areas of your life!


There really isn't anything better than working from home. With the crazy job market we have in today's economy, what used to be the safe way to make a living is quickly becoming the risky way. You may find this article of interest in regards to this subject, Corporation Domination. As we continue to move forward, more and more people are going to turn to home based business and the internet for their income needs. Just by reading this article you already have a head start on the masses.

Times have changed. We live in the Information Age! Though it won't be easy, starting a home based business online is by far the best option for creating wealth in the 21st century!

What experiences have you had working from home?
