Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ready to start living your dreams?

So when is it time to start living your dreams? Are you, like many, living a "settle for" lifestyle, or have you decided that since we only get one chance at this life, you are giving it everything you got?

Einstein said, "We are all born geniuses and programmed to be idiots." Man, how sad is that?

Everyone of us come into this life experience with the ability to live and create an incredible life experience. Yet, many of us choose to buy into the fact that in order to live an abundant lifestyle we have to somehow be lucky, or born rich.

In the book, "The Millionaire Next Door," it says that 80% of the Millionaires in America are 1st generation Millionaires. In other words, they were not born Wealthy.

If that is the case, then who, or what, is stopping you from achieving your dreams? Why in the world would you work a job you hate? Live in a home too small? Drive a car that is not dependable? Associate with people who are not good for you? Drink beverages that confuse your thinking? Put drugs in your body that cause long term, even life threatening, circumstances? Use words that are offensive?

Should you actually realize how powerful your thoughts are, how incredible your potential is, how realistic your dreams are, and how possible it is for you to achieve greatness in your life, you would be unstoppable!

Life is a gift from God, stop taking it lightly and start living to the best of your ability.

With everything in life, you should give it your best. "Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn" - Robert Kiyosaki

You are not getting any younger! Time is flying at what seems to be lightning speed, there has never been a better time than RIGHT NOW for you to realize there is more to life than just getting by. Though I understand everyone's circumstances and current reality varies, and many of you will justify why it just isn't possible, I am here to tell you, God makes no mistakes, and you, yes YOU, can achieve great things. Your dreams can become a reality!

No one said, and will not say, that it is, or was, going to be easy!! There is a price that will have to be paid. However, in the end, the results are worth the investment!

Stand strong this day! No matter what you have been told, no matter what you tell yourself, no matter the impossibility of your current circumstances, always remember, "With God all things are possible!"

Your dreams are so worth it! Go for it, after all, you only have one chance! Make the most of it.......

In Christ,
Ron - TheUnaverageAverage