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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Are you a dream stealer or dream encourager?

Have you ever had a dream? Of course you did, and probably still do! Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone and made the decision to pursue it? If so, then this article will hit home.

One of the first books I recommend anyone starting out on a new business venture to read is "The Dream Giver," by Bruce Wilkinson. If you do not currently have this book in your library, make a point to visit today and purchase it.

Making the decision to change your life is very uncomfortable. It will require growth and leaving behind the familiar. This perhaps is the main reason why so few people chase after their dreams. After all if you are making a decent living, and are comfortable, why would you want to take a risk of leaving that, even if the new destination would provide a more fulfilling life experience, one that you have always dreamed of having?